
Impact Matters: Uganda // Agali Report

With clean water, communities in Northern Uganda gain admiration and appeal

Lifewater works for deep and lasting impact. We measure the results of our work in both the short term and long term to ensure we are serving effectively and sustainably. We are excited to share the results from a one-year project in Uganda. Below you will find hard data, but remember that behind each number is a person with a name, a smile—and now, a better hope for the future.

In July 2012, Lifewater’s project, “Restoring Dignity through Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Agali Sub-County,” was launched in northern Uganda. It aimed to transform the health and dignity of people in Agali—a rural war-torn region in northern Uganda that is home to approximately 25,000 people —through comprehensive water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) improvements. The goal was to increase Agali’s safe water access to 80% and proper hygiene practices, including adequate sanitation, to 70%.

In the course of the project, Lifewater drilled 19 wells, constructed 6 rain catchment tanks, and trained 19 Water Source and Sanitation Committees. In total, Lifewater trained 60 Village Health Trainers, 30 teachers, and 60 religious leaders in promoting adequate sanitation and hygiene practices. These activities provided more than 9,500 people with clean water.

In addition, 15,500 individuals improved their sanitation and hygiene habits through education and positive peer influence. Lifewater also piloted a new program, Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS), to evaluate its effectiveness in changing sanitation and hygiene behaviors in communities in the region. The one-year program goals were each met and largely exceeded. Use of safe water sources increased to 89% of households, with some parishes (smaller geographic and political subdivisions) reaching 98%. Additionally, by the end of the project 86% of households had sanitary pit latrines. In one parish, latrine coverage increased from 40% to 100%. Most importantly, households in Agali reported washing their hands (the essential indicator of good hygiene) at 87% after defecating and 69% before eating.

These numbers represent changed lives. Thousands of children will no longer need to spend hours fetching water over long distances and often at great peril, and many will return to school. In addition, the prevalence of water-related diseases will decrease, and women will no longer need to spend much of their time caring for sick family members or being ill themselves. Lifewater is encouraged by these program results and continues to work in Agali to provide all of its communities with equitable and sustainable water and sanitation coverage.

Choose a Village. Change a Life.