
Healthy Churches


Empowering people to love
their neighbor as God intends.

In places where churches and Christian influence are present, Lifewater trains church leaders in foundational theology. Churches then carry out the God-given mandate to love the vulnerable, and they construct sanitation and hygiene facilities on church grounds.

In places where there is little Christian presence, Lifewater partners with local ministries to share the good news of Jesus to all and become stewards of healthy living. Together, these ministries carry out the Great Commission—to make disciples of all nations—with great compassion.

Building a Healthy Church


Church Commitment

Every church in the program area is invited to learn about the Healthy Church program. Churches commit to creating healthy environments and loving their neighbors.


Theology Training

Following Healthy Church commitment, pastors are trained in foundational theology and WASH. This includes an overview of the Gospel story and God’s mandate to the Church to care for Creation and for their vulnerable neighbors.


WASH in Church

A Healthy Church must have a safe place to use the bathroom, hand washing stations, and a clean compound. Every home deemed “vulnerable” (like widows, the blind, and the elderly) in their community must be a registered Healthy Home, having met the six WASH criteria for a healthy environment.


Vulnerable Household Outreach

As the hands and feet of Jesus, churches reach out to vulnerable homes to help them build toilets, hand washing stations, drying racks and more to become Healthy Homes. In this way, churches are servant leaders and WASH promoters.



Becoming a Healthy Church is worthy of celebration! Churches gather together for a photo, they are registered in Lifewater’s system, and they sing, dance, and worship God for this accomplishment.


Quarterly Monitoring

Local staff maintain relationships with the churches, supporting them by monitoring their facilities and community engagement to ensure that they continue to meet or exceed Healthy Church standards.

Creating Lifelong Transformation


Churches model positive WASH practices, instilling healthy behaviors for generations. 

Through foundational theological training, pastors are equipped to live out their natural abilities as leaders and grow the church in a healthy way.

Lifewater mobilizes churches to help the needy and engage in community-wide improvements. This encourages confidence, allowing them to take on bigger challenges in the future.

In places where there are no churches, Lifewater works with local ministries to start Bible studies.

The Hands and Feet of Jesus

Two Healthy Churches Help a Blind Man


“I am sorry Lord that all along I have never realized that you are alive and caring. Forgive me for taking long to have knowledge about that and thank you for the gift of life.”

– Wagunyanya, Kayembe village, Uganda


Wagunyanya, blind and living alone, praised God after the local church built him a latrine and hand washing station, rid his home of lice, washed his clothes, and fitted him with a new shirt.

As part of Lifewater’s Healthy Church program, all households considered “vulnerable” by Lifewater staff must be registered “Healthy Homes” before the churches in the area can be celebrated as Healthy Churches. Both Redeemed Church and Christ Light Church learned of this and God’s mandate to serve their neighbor, and they joyfully set out to help Wagunyanya.

With their love and support, Wagunyanya’s home is a healthy! Once without hope and lonesome, he now feels the love of Jesus through the companionship and service of his neighbors.

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