
World Water Day

Each year, on March 22, we celebrate World Water Day and remember those who still do not have access to an adequate supply of safe water.

Sponsored by the United Nations, World Water Day is an internationally recognized occasion to focus attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources. This year is the 21st World Water Day. Each year has a different focus and the UN presents a new in-depth report on a specific area of concern, such as Water and Food Security (2012) and Water and Cities (2011); the 2014 focus is “Water and Energy.”

Lifewater will celebrate World Water Day this year by walking with our neighbors to raise awareness of those in need of safe water. The Walk for Water brings together families, local businesses, and churches to learn more about the world’s water and sanitation crisis as well as DO SOMETHING for those in need. We’d love for you to join us if you’re nearby.

How will you celebrate World Water Day this year? Why not help someone get safe water for life?

Lifewater is also happy to partner with the Parable to help people in Ethiopia get safe water and sanitation. Parable stores will donate up to 5% of all sales to Lifewater on World Water Day.

Choose a Village. Change a Life.