
Wheels4Water USA 2019

4 Peaks. 4 Days. for Ethiopia. | SEPTEMBER 2019

About the Event

Every 60 seconds, a child dies from a preventable water-related disease. It’s happening today in rural villages in Ethiopia.

Wheels4Water USA is a 4-day charity bike ride through the Colorado Rockies. Together, we will ride to provide clean water, improved health, and a better future to families in rural Ethiopia.

Charity bike ride


The Wheels4Water team will cycle four of Colorado’s most challenging peaks in four days. We will ride over 20,000 feet of elevation from Aspen to Mount Evans, with a goal of raising $48,000 to transform the lives of four villages in the Bensa District of Ethiopia with safe water, sanitation and hygiene training for life!

About Wheels4Water

Since 2014, Wheels4Water has imagined and executed new ways in which anyone can make a tangible difference in the fight against the global water crisis using only bicycles, a passionate community, storytelling, and heart for doing good. The 2014-2018 rides combined to raise over $750,000, and by the end of the 2019 ride over 19,500 people in Ethiopia, Uganda and the DROC will be served with clean water and sanitation.

Learn More about Wheels4Water>>

Event Details

Wheels4Water Ride Dates: September 9-12, 2019

Cycle for Clean Water.
Create Lasting Change.

Complete the form below and a team leader will contact you with details and answers to your questions about future Wheels4Water rides.